Form Validation in wizards

If you have the whole MX Kollection 3 package installed, or even only MX Form Validation, a new step in the Insert Record/Update Record/Custom Form Wizard is available. The purpose of this step is to offer you the possibility of defining a rule for each form element, so that bad input will be avoided.

Due to this integration, it is not needed to add a separate validation server behavior when using one of the three wizards. The interfaces for these wizards are almost identical, the only difference being the window's title:


To set the dialog box options, follow the next steps:

  1. The Form fields area contains all the form fields in the current transaction. Specify the validation rules for each data-entry in the HTML form by selecting a row (single click) in the Form fields grid and entering the required information in the interface controls below the grid. Read along for instructions.
  2. The Required checkbox defines whether or not the current field is mandatory when entering input in the form.
  3. In the Validation format drop-down menu select the validation rule that will apply to the current form field. Depending on the selected format, different controls will appear on the interface. Read about all the possible options here.
  4. If the Custom message option is checked, you can define your own error message to be displayed when the data does not match the validation format.
  5. In the Error message text box (enabled when the option above is checked) enter the custom message that users will see when entering data that does not conform with the defined rule. All form fields that require validation have a default error message. The custom error message overwrites the default one.
  6. After completing the user interface, click Finish to apply the wizard, Cancel to dismiss it without making any changes, or Next (if the case) to move on to the next step.