InterAkt Articles and Knowledgebase

Show KT_defaultsender email address as a name

Show KT_defaultsender email address as a name

Show KT_defaultsender email address as a name

7 Sep, 2009
How do I force the New Line in a text box to retain the new line in an email

How do I force the New Line in a text box to retain the new line in an email

How do I force the New Line in a text box to retain the new line in an email

28 Sep, 2009
How to use custom variables in send mail behaviour

How to use custom variables in send mail behaviour

How to use custom variables in send mail behaviour

31 May, 2010
Choose to send email after updating a record

Choose to send email after updating a record

How to allow the user to send an email after updating a record if they so chooses.

30 Jul, 2010

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