Configure Dependent Drop-down

The Dependent Drop-down server behavior allows the web developers to include dependent drop-downs in their site pages. Before applying it, there must be at least one recordset (for the detail form item) created in the Dreamweaver page, and two list/menu items inserted.

Also, the master form item must have values associated to it (either dynamically, through another recordset, or statically). To do this, select the master list/menu item in your Dreamweaver page and use the Property Inspector to associate values to it:


This server behavior is accessible from the Application panel, Server Behaviors -> + -> MX Kollection -> Form Controls -> Dependent Drop-down.

The user interface has two tabs. Directions about their correct configuration are given below.


To set the dialog box options for the first tab, follow the next steps:

  1. In the Master field drop-down menu select the form element that has the master role.
  2. In the Detail field drop-down menu select the form element that has the detail role. The content of this drop-down menu depends on the selection you made in the above drop-down menu.
  3. The three buttons on the right of the interface offer you the next functionalities:
    · Click OK when you are done configuring the server behavior.
    · Click Cancel to exit without applying the new settings.
    · The Help button opens this help page.
    These buttons are common to both tabs of the Dependent Drop-downs server behavior interface.
  4. Click on the Dynamic tab to continue with configuring the server behavior.


To set the dialog box options for the second tab, follow the next steps:

  1. In the Recordset drop-down menu select one of the recordsets defined in your page. The selected recordset should contain the data that you want displayed in the detail form item when using the dependent drop-downs.
  2. In the Primary key drop-down menu specify the primary key field of the current table.
  3. In the Foreign key drop-down menu specify the foreign key field that will be the link to the master recordset.
  4. In the Get labels from drop-down menu select the table field that stores the names you want to be shown in the menu.
  5. In the Default value text box enter a starting value for the dependent drop-downs. You can also select it from one of the available recordsets in your page by using the lightning icon on the right.
  6. Click OK when you are done configuring the server behavior.